About Booking a Session

communicate with your deceased loved ones • tune in to your highest energy • seek loving counsel for your life’s purpose • receive career alignment • connect with your guides

All sessions are offered via Zoom. I spend thirty minutes before our scheduled time together connecting to the field of infinite intelligence and preparing a list of intuited topics, visions, emotional healings, and deceased presences for your session.

I begin all sessions by opening the conversation with the spirit world through this intention:

“I ask that spirit put a shield of light, love, and protection around the two of us during our time together. I ask that the loving guidance bring forward what is highest and best for your spiritual and emotional growth and wellness. I ask that a channel now open between you and I, so that only love and the highest truth may flow between us.”

I highly recommend that you prepare your own list of objectives and questions you have for your guides, teachers, and loved ones. Please come prepared with a list of at least 6 key questions. If you would like to email me photos of deceased loved ones that you would like to connect to, please send here but note that this is not necessary to connect.

During our time together, we are not just having a conversation. We are bringing in a deep level of energy healing, which you can sometimes feel on a vibratory level — no matter where you are or how far away we are from each other. We are also directly connecting you to the loving unseen, which in and of itself has a profound healing effect.

You will have the option to start with my list of intuited information, or to start with your own prepared session topics and intentions. Typically time for both is available.

Please remember to come prepared with at least 6 questions or topics. Your planning and intentions for the session have a powerful impact. Many times people report a dramatic shift in their energy begins from the moment they book their session.

I request that no drugs or alcohol be consumed for 24 hours before your session time. Prescription medications should be taken as per your medical care provider’s instruction.

60 Minute Private Session

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